Come Enjoy the Shift With Us—Reiki Sessions This Saturday from 11-4 at White Dove Wichita

People wanted a partner in change, someone to hold them accountable, and hold up a mirror with some tough (but nurturing) love in the moments when it makes sense.

Come Enjoy the Shift With Us—Reiki Sessions This Saturday from 11-4 at White Dove Wichita
Photo by SOULSANA / Unsplash

Shift happens.

I say this a lot. But do you realize we just had an eclipse and New Moon 🌚 served up alongside the kickoff of Mercury Retrograde last week?

I'm not an astrologer, but I have a growing appreciation for this science—both the traditional astrology Dale does at White Dove along with Vedic Astrology. Astrology can be a valuable way to provide introspection and self-awareness, as can a psychic reading or using Tarot cards.

Dale gave me a reading early this year that's helped me get to know myself (and my stars ⭐️) just a little better. Even raging Leos need a little help now and then. 😉

(Call Dale & set up a time to do your chart: (316) 262-3683)

How Else Does Shift Happen?

We are ever-changing, ever-evolving sacks of meat who live on a rock orbiting the sun at some kind of speed that's hard to comprehend. Yes, there is a power beyond and above us. Yes, it's Divine.

And here we are, what—the ants of the universe crawling on a rock? 🪨

Yes, that's exactly what we are. I find life to be easier when I'm able to grasp this appreciation. Which is to say it's hard to grasp daily, but it's become ever easier over the past 10 years I've been working to become better at my favorite, hard-fought spiritual skill:

Letting go.

Why ten years? That's when it began, sort of. I've been sober for nearly 10 years now. I began practicing Reiki 11 years ago; it's no accident that the sobriety followed the deepening spiritual path.

But that's my shift. What about yours?

This is what I'm here for. I'm here to help you with your shift. This is why I've worked so hard at all things "woo woo" for 11+ years (truthfully, the journey began nearly 19 years ago, but that's another post for another day).  

Here are the tools in the chest I can call upon to help you with your shift:

🙌 Reiki—for your chakras, energy field, and spiritual nurturing along your journey.

🥃 Years of experience in sober coaching under the umbrella of the addiction field/State of Kansas. I've seen people at their very worst grab onto hope for no reason and change themselves in order to go on and live productive, sober lives. I did this in detox/crisis center, the jail, and a recovery center.  Then I acquired a new skill...

☀️ I'm a certified transformational life coach! I'm here to help you make change less scary, less anxiety-inducing, and doable. I had found through countless Reiki sessions and 1:1 + group coaching sessions in the addiction field that this was what people were really looking for. People wanted a partner in change, someone to hold them accountable, and hold up a mirror with some tough (but nurturing) love in the moments when it makes sense.

🧘‍♀️ Then, 2020 came along and I signed up for yoga teacher training in the midst of chaos, grief, and confusion. I detoured away from it in order to complete my 100-hour meditation teacher training in 2022. Because even when my body could hardly walk after having the virus, I could still meditate. I could learn to accept a new, weak body and set of frightening circumstances by practicing this one limb of yoga—meditation.

Here's what's now on the menu at Destiny Architecture:

• Reiki

Meditation (check out the membership if you want to learn to meditate with guided meditations)

• Life Coaching

And soon... yoga... 🧘

So come into White Dove this weekend for some chakra-balancing Reiki and we can talk about what else you may want to work with on your healing journey. You can make a Reiki session your first step on the journey, or part of any tune-up you may need along this spiritual road we're all on.

Reiki Sessions This Saturday 11-4 at White Dove Wichita

Come to White Dove in Wichita this weekend! Sessions last 25 minutes and cost $40. I accept cash, card, CashApp, and Bitcoin lightning ⚡️ payments.

Walk-ins are always welcome. White Dove is located at 2947 E. Kellogg (on the frontage road). You can always call us at (316) 262-3683 or email me directly to hold your spot at