Culture Shock! A Production of NOSTR PHX!
Join us for a day of music from Wavlake indie artist Sarah Jade, education on Bitcoin, amazing food, and NOSTR education.

This one has nothing to do with yoga or Reiki, it's just for funsies.
I'm big on Bitcoin, NOSTR, hope, and freedom. Join us for a day of music from Wavlake indie artist Sarah Jade, education on Bitcoin, amazing food, and NOSTR education. We're covering value for value (V4V) and beginners to Bitcoin + NOSTR are welcome! There will be presenters all day and you get to meet the entire NOSTR PHX community.
Culture Shock is going to be a first-of-its kind event!
Join me on NOSTR!
NPUB: npub1nl8r463jkdtr0qu0k3dht03jt9t59cttk0j8gtxg9wea2russlnq2zf9d0
NOSTR isn't a social platform; it's a series of relays that are uncensored and give you ownership of what you post on the protocol. It's not a company. There's no CEO. No rules, no rulers.
You won't believe what people are building on NOSTR...