Radio Detox Episode 2: Sara Jade

What makes you the architect of your own destiny better than owning Bitcoin and your damn music?

Radio Detox Episode 2: Sara Jade

For the 2nd episode of the Radio Detox podcast, we talk with "Baroque pop sex rock" artist Sara Jade! (Listen to the episode for the story behind that choice of wording about her sound).

I met Sara Jade in Phoenix in February when she played our Nostr PHX Culture Shock show. It was live-streamed on Tunestr. She's fun to hang out with and talk to in meatspace. She puts on a great show on stage, too. I became a fan by listening to her music on Wavlake before she came to town to do our show.

Sara Jade is a keytar-weilding singer-songwriter. (I asked, and that keytar weighs 8 pounds btw).

She was a natural choice for the second episode of Radio Detox because she's done two value-for-value shows this year, in Phoenix and Nashville. She's an evangelist for V4V. She's been an independent artist for some time. Sara Jade is one year into her voyage into the valueverse.

As she explains on Radio Detox, she made 1,000,000 sats (~$700 BTC on 2/17/24) for a half-hour show here in Phoenix at Hello, Lincoln.

When is the last time you earned $700 for a half hour of work? Especially playing original songs as a singer-songwriter?

We get into this on the podcast. Sara Jade also brought me her V4V song picks as I brought her mine. We had fun talking about the songs we love and why we love them. (I make every guest tell me what their favorite songs are in the valueverse).

Sara Jade and I on 2-17-24 in Phoenix loving our Bitcoin orange shirts from Lightning Store!

I made a playlist of all the songs from this episode—there are 9 this time around. Sara Jade and I talk about the advantages of going V4V for about 90 minutes.

There is only one man on this playlist—Longy. We love him. He's so good. I was going for an all-female episode but Sara Jade picked him as one of her songs! I had this thought that maybe I could feature only female artists for a while and see how long I could go... Just like the mainstream music scene, Radio Detox wouldn't have gotten far. Even the valueverse is heavily dominated by male artists.

But unlike the mainstream country music format I once worked in, I don't have to beg the music director to play more female artists. I can just do it. (Our music director, Carol, was a choir I was preaching to anyway. She would have happily put more female artists on our playlist, 🙄 ).

This is what's great about the valueverse. We make the rules. Or we buck the rules. I can make an all-female episode if I want. I can make an all-yoga music episode if I want. (And I may!)

I don't have to offer up any commercial appeal anymore. Fuck yes! 🙌 Freedom!

And neither do you.

Radio Detox is for the fans and the artists. It's for everyone who ever tried to make a buck in the radio & records industry. It's for my composer friend whose music earns critical acclaim but not much money. It's for the Ainsley Costellos and Sara Jades of the independent music scene who are gaining traction because of Nostr, Bitcoin, and V4V. It's for the fans who can't get to the show but still want to watch on Tunestr from a small, midwestern town. It's for every artist who struggled to put gas in the van for the tour. It's for everyone in music who fought their demons in a soul-sucking system.

It's for the music fans who are tired of paying that monthly subscription fee while the artists earn nothing.

It's not for Lucian Grainge, Rob Stringer, Robert Kyncl, Robert Pittman, Daniel Ek, Tim Cook, or Michael Rapino.

They can suck it. 😛

What the heck does this have to do with Destiny Architecture® anyway?

Well, I own this site. It's my Reiki & yoga website... I have the trademark on the name for that purpose. But what makes you the architect of your own destiny better than owning Bitcoin and your damn music?

I got censored last night—Facebook took down the link I posted to the Fountain playlist above, calling it "spam." So since I own this site, I'll post here and Nostr. I'm going to post my stuff in places where it can't be taken down.

There's a plan in my head 🧠 to turn this site into a V4V yoga site, I'm just not there yet. If you're interested in that, sign up for my free newsletter so you'll know when I get around to that. 😉 Maybe I can offer yoga classes online and you can pay in zaps ⚡️ ... But much like I no longer "fit" into other traditional systems, I'm thinking it's time to feel my way into what V4V yoga can be like...