Why Personalized Yoga, Meditation, and Reiki Practices Make a Difference

My goal is to always provide you with not just the experience you have with me, but with the passion and understanding required to keep walking along the path of healing.

Why Personalized Yoga, Meditation, and Reiki Practices Make a Difference
Photo by Content Pixie / Unsplash ✨ It's the power of the off the mat yoga that changes lives ✨

One service I love to provide is deeply personalized coaching.

Helping you step out of your comfort zone and out of your own way is a joy to watch. I love watching others' self-awareness grow. That light turning on is such a wonderful a-ha moment to witness.

I'll be the first to always say, "Your mileage may vary!"

Welcome to my healing sanctuary at Urban Wellness in Phoenix, Arizona!

There Are A Ton of Healing Modalities Out There

Log onto social media and you'll be inundated with trends—somatic dancing, nervous system rewiring, breathwork, plant medicine... I could go on. Most of those fall into the bucket of simply yoga.

Reiki works with yoga, meditation is a part of yoga, and guess what? Coaching tends to magically follow many of my Reiki sessions. But not all of them.

The key is to know when to rely on each of the healing modalities I offer:

🤲 Reiki—traditional Japanese hands-on energy healing that promotes relaxation. Used for chakra balancing, aura cleansing, and general calming.

🪷 Meditation—part of yoga and works congruently with Reiki to relax the mind and body. It brings self-awareness, introspection, and clears the mind of disturbances. Useful for visioning and manifestation, too!

🧘‍♂️ Yoga—Yoga is the absence of the fluctuations of the mind. It's comprised of 8 limbs that include asanas, or poses. But yoga can be practiced off the mat...especially off the mat!

💟 Coaching—I coach from both heart and mind to hold space for you as you transform. Because, let's face it, transformation is work. It's your work, I just facilitate it. I do this spiritually and intuitively. I also do it the "old school" way, which I learned through years of sober coaching in the addiction field.

The key here is to know which tool to pick, for whom, and when.

For example, meditation isn't for everyone, but it can be a healthy addition to the wellness routines of many.

Whether I'm conducting a Reiki session or teaching a yoga class, my main goal is to always give you the knowledge you need to take what I give you and use it on your own.

I want you to be able to build mind-body wellness habits that become your practice. Done well, these can be a guiding light in dark times as much as they'll help you remember to practice gratitude when things are going awesome.

My goal is to always provide you with not just the experience you have with me, but with the passion and understanding required to keep walking along the path of healing.

My early yoga teachers helped me focus on alignment that's kept me injury-free on the yoga mate for more than 25 years. I love to instill this in others today. I also love to recommend physical practices in yoga for your sore wrists, tight lower back, and knee safety on the mat.

Helping you through suffering, pain, and transformation is what I do best.