Yoga Goes V4V

Yoga Goes V4V
Photo by Ksenia Makagonova / Unsplash

Quite a few of us in the Bitcoin + Nostr space are into yoga, meditation, health, fitness, and holistic wellness.

I also happen to be one of those who happen to be sober as well (sober since 7/1/13).

This blog post will serve as a pivot into the direction I'm heading with it all, which is to answer the question, "How can I deliver what I do in holistic wellness—yoga, meditation, and Reiki—on a V4V basis?"

Maybe we're delusional, but those of us who are into Bitcoin, Nostr, and yoga are confident we can do this world-changing thing. Yoga changes you. Bitcoin changes you. Nostr changes you.

In short, all these forms of freedom and purpose change you.

To answer my above question... I think I know how to pull off V4V yoga, meditation, and Reiki but I'm not sure until I try. I'm also going to take on the task of teaching how yoga, Bitcoin, and Nostr manage to change you. How they're interrelated, intersected, and complimentary. How each is the path to a more peaceful world.

Hopefully, I can do it without the sanctimonious, preachy, cult flavor we see too often in all of these spaces...

Each of these is tech for everyone. (Yes, even yoga is technology). 😉

I have some questions:

Can I bridge cultures to build community here?

Can I pull off V4V yoga while serving said community? Meaning I offer value and you return value in an exchange void of intermediaries? In a way in which we both benefit? In ways that don't bastardize the sanctity of sacred practices like yoga, meditation, and Reiki?

Do enough people care? How many are even interested in all these at once?

How can I best help people with freedom tech & freedom money? (I'm including yoga in the tech bit).

Can I do this in ways others can easily replicate?

If you want to come along on the ride, check back or join the email list for updates to your inbox!
